A German Silver Grade Wound Badge by Moritz Hausch A.G in Pforzheim.
A good example that was carried on a German soldier that was in a Swedish interment camp – Ränneslätt outside Eksjö in Småland. He gave it away to a Swedish man when they where sent back to Estonia in 1945.
Metal: some silver is still left on the zink – Feinzink. In good condition but the soldier have been having it on his uniform so the silver is left on 10 – 15%.
Measure: 36,79 x 44,37 mm
Weight: 25,67 gram
En sårad medalj i silver som en internerad soldat gav bort när han skickades till Baltikum efter ha suttit internerad på Ränneslätt interneringsläger i Eksjö – Småland.
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